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  • Slovenščina

I FEEL Slovenia

We are ready to offer you the best we have. With a great deal of responsibility, your visit to Slovenia will be enjoyable and unforgettable.

You can experience the country in your own way. The greatest Slovenian treasures are waiting for you. The rugged Slovenian landscape is an excellent training ground for outdoor activities. In all seasons. Discover the cultural and natural pearls of Slovenia. Treat yourself to something delicious with a local touch and enjoy in gourmet pleasures. You can share with us how you feel about Slovenia by posting photos and videos with #ifeelsLOVEnia #myway #eds2024.

Our way of love

Make time for yourself and your loved ones! We reveal how to taste love, look, see and experience love in Slovenia.

EDS 2024 food

You eat differently by the sea than among the Alpine peaks.

EDS 2024 - obišči Celje

To make the most of your visit to Celje, where the European FCI dog show takes place, the Celeia Celje Institute has put...

